and packed the 4 Skeins of KnitPicks Palette yarn in Lipstick to start another Henry.

My problem is, knowing I'm fast but not that fast, I still feel as if this isn't enough yarn.
I really feel as if I need to pack enough yarn (and needles) for one more project. Whatever the project, it needs to be a project I can handle with a size 3 needle, because I'm not packing more needles.
Right now, I'm stuck on what project and yarn to pack.
Do I attempt another Print O' the Wave Stole? Or maybe the Icarus Shawl? Do I take socks instead? I dunno.
I have some Lacey Lamb I can use for the Print O' the Wave Stole, but I don't know if I want to.

This is the problem with having one skein of really nice yarn. Eventually, you simply don't want to knit anything with it because you don't know if another, nicer, prettier pattern will come along and make you regret using that nice lambswool on something else.
I think I will go with the Print O' the Wave Stole. I need to pack the yarn and pattern before I change my mind.
Last night, I finished packing the knitting before I packed the clothes.
I leave in 90 minutes. Once I leave the school I have to:
- Swing by Albertsons and pick up the seafood I asked them to bag. That includes 20 lbs. of Snow Crab (on special down here and $8.99/lb. at home) & 6 lobsters.
- Go home, pack car, hit the road to Tampa
- Once in Tampa, hit IKEA. Pick up one small pink chair and 4 packs of mirrors (I'm going to end the night transferring a lot of money from Mom's account into mine)
- Hit the road to Georgia. I should make it in around 1 AM.
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